
Below are documented the User Interfaces of each respective object. There are descriptions of each field of input and their relationship to the object and the model, as well.


PiecesArrival Panel

PiecesArrival GUI

PiecesArrival Table

The following properties are in the PiecesArrival interface:

Pieces Per Box: Defines the quantity of pieces inside each package.
Edit Table: Opens a pop-up arrivals table.
Repeat Table: Defines if the arrivals will be repeated when it reaches the bottom.
Arrivals Table: The arrivals table determines the order of arrivals, quantity and type of the item to be arrived, plus the time interval between them.


Buffer Panel

Buffer GUI

Buffer Table

The following properties are in the Buffer interface:

Pieces Per Stocked Box: Defines the quantity of pieces inside each package.
Edit Stock Table: Opens the stock pop-up window.
Create Stock: Defines if the buffers are beginning simulation with or without the stocks table.
Stock Table: The stocks table determines the quantity of each item to be created at time 0.


Floor Panel

Floor GUI

Show Grid: Shows the object's grid lines.
No Select: Makes the object not clickable, avoiding misplacement when dragging objects throughout the model.


Basic Machine Panel

BasicMachine GUI

Buffer Table

Cycle Time: Cycle time represents the process time of each flowitem, individually.
Load Time: Sets the load time of the machine.
Unload Time: Sets the unload time of the machine.
Setup Time By Type: Activates the dynamic setup option based on the setup table.
Edit Table: Opens the pop-out window to edit the Setup Table
Setup Table: Rows represent the previous type and columns the next, each respective cell should hold the transition setup time.

Pulling Panel

Pull1 GUI

Pull1 GUI

Cycle Time: Cycle time represents the process time of each flowitem, individually.
Load Time: Sets the load time of the machine.
Unload Time: Sets the unload time of the machine.
Setup Time By Type: Activates the dynamic setup option based on the setup table.
Edit Table: Opens the pop-out window to edit the Setup Table
Setup Table: Rows represent the previous type and columns the next, each respective cell should hold the transition setup time.


Pack Unpack Panel

PackingMachine GUI

Pack Items On Exit: Activates the creation of Lean Board Game packages at the end of processing.
Use Inspection Bench: Activates inspection.
Inspetion Time: Defines the inspection time.
Bench Reference: Defines the inspection site.
Pieces Per Box: Defines the quantity of pieces to be packed. Obs* Only active when individual pieces are being received by the machine.


Pulling Panel

Pull1 GUI

Pulling Table: Table with the pulling flow that combines objects of different types within the machine.