LeanBoardGame Licensing
Name | Description | Image |
PiecesArrival |
The PiecesArrival creates objects packed with pieces that will be handled by the other objects spread through the model, during simulation. |
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Buffer |
The buffers queues boxes, and may or may not generate an initial stock. |
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Floor |
The floor works as a region indicator of the factory floor, highlighting where forklifts can move around and where machines must be stationed. |
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Machine4B |
The Machine4B is a simple machine, made to process whole boxes of Lean Board Game items. |
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PackingMachine |
The family of packing machines presents some interchancheable behavior, such as unpacking, processing products or packages, and packing them. They may or may not inspect flowitems by the end of processing. |
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Machine5B |
The Machine5B of double packing, unpacks two boxes at once, processing and assembling the final product, releasing a full pack or individual pieces. It may or may not inspect flowitems by the end of processing. |
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Bench |
The inspection Bench is a visual resource dedicated to inspecting products. |
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Administration |
The Administration is a purely visual resource. |
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Maintenance |
The Maintenance is a purely visual resource. |
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Tools Room |
The Tools Room is a purely visual resource. |
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The PiecesArrival object creates the flowitems necessary for simulation. Through the arrivals table, it is possible to set the sequence of items, of a certain type, and a time interval between these arrivals. This is where the settings of how many pieces per box will be created lies.
Custom Triggers
The PiecesArrival Object has the following custom triggers:
Name | Description |
onCreate | Fires when a box is created using the PiecesArrival, which fired the trigger. |
onSend | Fires when a box is sent. |
The Buffer objects represent a queue. They may generate an initial stock, using their arrivals table, within it is possible to determine how many boxes of certain types will be created. It is also possible to set the quantity of pieces per box created by this object.
Custom Triggers
The Buffer object presents the following triggers:
Name | Description |
onStartSimulation | Fires on simulation start. |
onReset | Fires when a model is reset. |
The Floor object is a purely visual resource, which limits the regions for stabilished movement and model building rules. The gray regions allow for Machines, Buffers and Operators to be created, regions in yellow allow for the Forklifts to move around.
Custom Triggers
The Floor object presents the following triggers:
Name | Description |
onDraw | Fires when visual resources are updated. |
The basic machine Machine4B presents a dynamic setup time, that alters its value based on a change between the type of item being processed. This setup time is customizable and can be turned off completely.
Custom Triggers
The Machine4B object presents the following triggers:
Name | Description |
OnCreate | Fires when a Machine4B is created on the model. |
OnReceive | Fires when the machine receives a flowitem. |
OnReset | Fires when the model is reset. |
OnSend | Fires when the machine releases a flowitem. |
OnTimerEvent | Fires when a machine event is created. |
This family of objects has choices of shapes on a pop-out menu. It is possible to combine different patterns of behavior such as unpacking, packing, processing and inspection, to compose a custom line of processing. These machines inherit behaviors from the basic machine and improves them.
Custom Triggers
The PackingMachine object presents the following triggers
Name | Description |
OnCreate | Fires when a PackingMachine is created in the model. |
OnReceive | Fires when a PackingMachine receives a FlowItem. |
OnReset | Fires when the model is reset. |
OnSend | Fires when the machine releases a flowitem. |
OnTimerEvent | Fires when a machine event is created. |
The double packing machine (Machine5B) unpacks two boxes at once, simultaniously, assembling a complete product from 2 individual pieces, then releasing the item. It may of may not pack and/or inspect flowitems.
Custom Triggers
The Machine5B object presents the following triggers
Name | Description |
OnCreate | Fires when a Machine5B is created in the model. |
OnReceive | Fires when a Machine5B receives a FlowItem. |
OnSend | Fires when the machine releases a flowitem. |
OnTimerEvent | Fires when a machine event is created. |
3D Objects
The inspection Bench, the Administration, the Maintenance and the Tools Room are all purely visual resources that help the imersion of the Lean Board Game experience.
The Bench specifically, is destination of operators who realize inspection, depending on the inspection time of the machine over the Inpsection Bench.