
The Lean Board Game Module developed by FlexSim Brasil consists of pre-configured objects, drawn to complement the learning experience on Lean methodology, offered by the original game of the same name, developed by Grupo Engenho. The 3D Modeling has each different piece originally in the game, from functioning machines and custom buffers, to purely visual complements. All features can be controlled through the simplified User Interfaces, attached to the properties panel for easy access. The models studied and built from the available cases are a further step into the heightened game imersion.

The Lean Concept

The Lean philosophy, or "Toyota Production System", unites a body of practices, techniques and tools to potentialize results, eliminating waste and resolving problems through a systematic approach. This initiative needs to be based on well defined principles, oriented on the aggregation of value for the client.

Considering these elements, the Lean Board Game offers an exciting Lean training, through a hands-on experience focused on the training of project management and cost reduction. The developed module expands this experience, allowing for data analisys that is quick, effective and radically visual.

The Lean Board Game Solution

The Lean Board Game FlexSim solution consists, mainly, of objects not only represented through the game pieces, but with behavior expanded to simulation, something only calculated on the board game. The pieces are in fact generated on the 3D, and their path through the simulation is clear and visible all over the production site.

For example, the inspection of pieces on the machines, done at the end of processing, is faithfully executed by an operator, who collects the piece, carries it to the inspection bench and spends the inspection time waiting there, exactly as informed by the user input. This, then, expands to the visual something previously only considered as an added value to the machines takt time.

Our module also presents objects and behaviors modeled for fine precision, effectively executing the inputed commands. They are not only trustworthy, but also correspond to the calculated time, generating a consistent production. By the end, the expected result indicators are retrieved, according to each corresponding case.

In addition, the designed User Interfaces are to be easily filled out, through an intuitive layout, integrated to all FlexSim features necessary, such as the dropper, the picklists and table manipulating resources. The UIs are simple, and can be accessed directly through the properties panel.